What is PGDBA?
The PGDBA is a 2-year full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA) jointly offered by IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur and ISI.
For whom is PGDBA suitable?
PGDBA is a two-year full time diploma programme aimed at creating business analytics professionals employable by leading Indian and foreign firms. This programme is designed for those who have an analytical mindset, are interested in tackling challenging business problems, and possess an inclination towards mathematics. Some of the salient features of the programme include courses taught by reputed faculty members at the campuses of three globally renowned institutes, hands-on business analytics training at a related company, continuous interaction with industry leaders throughout the course of the diploma programme, and the availability of placement opportunities at all three institutes jointly offering this programme.
What would I learn at IIMC, ISI and IIT Kharagpur?
PGDBA participants will visit the three institutions – Indian Statistical Institute, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, and Indian Institute of Management Calcutta – spending about six months at each institute. Each of the three institutes will focus on a separate area of business analytics, in accordance with its expertise and competence. While coursework at IIM Calcutta will focus on the application of analytics in functional areas of management, ISI will bring to the table its expertise in statistical and machine learning theories for analytics, and faculty at IIT Kharagpur will engage with the technology aspects of analytics.
How do I apply?
Eligible candidates are requested to apply online. Self-attested copies of all requested documents should be uploaded. Application fee of Rs.2000/- (Rs.1000/-for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD categories) has to be paid as a part of the application process. Last date of submission of online application: January 10, 2019 In case of inquiries, please send an email to: pgdba@iitkgp.ac.in, or Call 03222-282312.
What is the selection process for admission into PGDBA?
A written test will be held on February 17, 2019, to shortlist candidates for personal interviews. Candidates shortlisted after the written test will be called for personal interview to be held in March 30-31, 2019.The final offer would be made on the basis of performance in the written test, personal interview, work experience, and academic background.
What is the duration of the programme?
The PGDBA is a 2-year full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA) jointly offered by IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur and ISI.
How many seats are there in PGDBA in 2019-21?
There are a maximum of 60 seats in PGDBA in 2019-2021.
Is reservation policy applicable for PGDBA in 2019-21?
Yes, the reservation policy of the Government of India is applicable for PGDBA in 2019-2021.
Is campus placement available for PGDBA?
The graduating students will have access to campus placement facilities of all three institutes. The institutes do not guarantee placement but every effort will be made to help students find and secure opportunities for furthering their career.
Who will be giving the Degree? When and where will be the convocation held?
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics will be given jointly by IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur and ISI. A candidate can receive his/her diploma at the convocations held at any of the three institutes during the year after the completion of all requirements for the diploma.
Is the PGDBA programme fully residential?
The PGDBA programme is strictly residential. Each institute will make the best effort to arrange board and lodging for the students during the period they spend on campus, subject to availability.
Is there any internship as part of the PGDBA programme?
In addition to the time spent at IIMC, ISI, and IIT Kharagpur, the students will be required to do an internship based project of six months on a hands-on analytics experience at a business organization.
Are scholarships and bank loans available?
There is liberal provision for merit-cum-means scholarships for deserving candidates. PGDBA programme is recognized by Banks for the purpose of educational loan.
Will be there any attendance rule?
Attendance rules that are applicable to the host Institute will be followed in each semester.
What will be the class hours and how many days a week?
The hours and days will vary from semester to semester. The norms prevailing at the host institute would be followed.
Whom do I contact in case of any further doubts?
Mr. Swarup Bhowmik
PGDBA office
Vinod Gupta School of Management
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Kharagpur 721302
Email: pgdba@vgsom.iitkgp.ac.in
Phone: 03222-282312